S.W.I.F.T. Visible Lift Newsletter




November, 2007 newsletter for S.W.I.F.T.

For Radio Controlled Sailplanes & Electrics
Academy of Model Aeronautics Chartered Club #2749

Check the SWIFT BBS for flying info.

Calling all Glider Guiders!

The next SWIFT meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 1 at Chalco Hills.

SWIFT EVENTS at the COBRA field.

Nothing scheduled at this time. If the weather is reasonable a Frozen Thumb event may be held during November. Look for information on the web page, BBS and e-mail alert.

Check the web page (http://www.swiftsoaring.com) for SWIFT events and out of town events.

SWIFT members will be flying gliders at the COBRA field on Saturday or Sunday through out the season pending other events at the field. This will be a good time to practice launching, landing and just getting in stick time. The field will remain open to all flying. Check the BBS for info.

As per the SWIFT BYLAWS:


1. All elected officers of the Club shall serve for one (1) year date of election. Officers are to be elected by a vote of simple majority of those present at the regular meeting in the month of December. New officers will take office immediately after the December meeting. Personnel will be appointed by the elected officers and confirmed by a simple majority vote of those members present during a regular meeting: i.e. Newsletter Editor, etc.

2. Nomination of Club officers shall be made at the general membership meeting during the month of November. Nominations for office may be made by any active Club member holding voting rights, either in person or by submitting a proxy nomination to an existing officer. All known nominations for office will be published in the newsletter prior to the election.

3. A secret ballot is required for elections, for removal of a Club officer, and for expulsion of a member from the Club unless waived by a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

The SWIFT Closer was held on Saturday, October 20. The day started good but by one pm the wind was at the exciting level. See the web page for the results.

Bring some show and tell and see you at the meeting.

President: Terry Lamm (402) 319-7514 cell

Vice President: Larry Puls (712) 328-3511

Secretary/Treasurer: Dan Lorimer (402) 896-0963


6506 South 142nd Street
Omaha, NE 68137-4806

VISIBLE LIFT: Larry Bailey (Lnbailey@cox.net)

October, 2007 newsletter for S.W.I.F.T.

For Radio Controlled Sailplanes & Electrics

Academy of Model Aeronautics Chartered Club #2749


Check the SWIFT BBS for flying info.


      I publish Metro Area R/C Flying to make a central web site for all the area R/C clubs, not to replace individual club sites, but to tie all of them together and promote growth and interaction between clubs. The most important service of the web site is to post the Metro Area Schedule. The schedule lists all the events for all the clubs in one location so that R/C flyers can see what events are available in the area and plan ahead. I believe it will also help the area clubs to work out their schedules so that a club event, will not conflict, with another club's event. The next most important service is to provide a Page that has maps to all the events, meetings, dinners and parties. Right after that comes the Newsletter Page which lists club newsletters. Reading other club newsletters lets members see what others are offering in the area that they are interested in and promotes interaction between clubs.  This is your web site, if you would like to show-off your newest plane, or share an experience, you can E-Mail pictures and articles to me at: MetroRCFlying@Gmail.com  There’s an Email Link on every page.