All Omaha Club Solicitation Meeting




     Exploratory ALL OMAHA CLUB SOLICITATION MEETING:  Developing a Youth Program to turn Couch Potatoes into RC Flyers--bringing youth into local clubs thus energizing and bolstering sustainability—be a part of the conversation on how we can achieve this goal:  Meeting Sunday, July 10th , 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Scott Conference Center Cafeteria (Not in a formal Meeting Room but in the restaurant), 6450 Pine Street, Omaha.  Parking East and South of the building.


     Mike and the Omahawk’s Board has underwritten our exploratory effort to develop a city wide program.



Hague E. Howey

President/ CEO

Midwest UAS Services & Supply LLC

15206 Dorcas Circle

Omaha, Nebraska   68144



      I publish Metro Area R/C Flying to make a central web site for all the area R/C clubs, not to replace individual club sites, but to tie all of them together and promote growth and interaction between clubs. The most important service of the web site is to post the Metro Area Schedule. The schedule lists all the events for all the clubs in one location so that R/C flyers can see what events are available in the area and plan ahead. I believe it will also help the area clubs to work out their schedules so that a club event, will not conflict, with another club's event. The next most important service is to provide a Page that has maps to all the events, meetings, dinners and parties. Right after that comes the Newsletter Page which lists club newsletters. Reading other club newsletters lets members see what others are offering in the area that they are interested in and promotes interaction between clubs.  This is your web site, if you would like to show-off your newest plane, or share an experience, you can E-Mail pictures and articles to me at:  There’s an Email Link on every page.